Management Concepts - Testimonial


Three years ago Elizabeth called three property managers and only one returned her call. She had never had a property manager before. But, when she decided to move back to Massachusetts she wanted to keep her two family Pawtucket home as an investment property. She tried being an independent landlord, but she had been having trouble collecting rent from a tenant. With a baby on the way she decided that she didn't want to deal with the hassle.


Compared to being a landlord on her own she said working with Management Concepts has been "convenient, hassle free, reliable, and they are responsible and trustworthy. Whenever I meet them they are available to get things done. When a new tenant filled the basement with stuff they contacted me right away to let me know that it was a safety hazard. Something needed to be done in order to organize the basement, so Joe gave them an ultimatum. Joe treats my property like it's his own."


"No involvement is required, all the phone calls and everything that needs to get done goes through Management Concepts. I only get the checks. When something needs to be fixed, he just fixes it. They call me and ask permission to do major repairs. I recommend them very highly. They are reliable and you can count on them. Joe is awesome."{Close Window}